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Can Varicose Veins Rupture?

Suffering from vein disorders like varicose veins can be worrying. Not only because problematic veins can be linked to health problems but also, when they do start to swell or bulge, you might be concerned that they could burst or rupture. Moreover, if they do, is it dangerous?

Firstly veins can indeed be prone to bursting or rupturing – that part is true but the chances of someone bleeding to death from a ruptured vein – while not impossible, are thankfully very slim. This is because people would seek medical assistance long-before they get to the stage where they bleed to death. That said, it can still be a very unpleasant experience for all concerned.

So why do varicose veins rupture?

Varicose veins are caused by a superficial build-up of blood. This is typically due to a faulty vein structure (particularly a problematic venous valve). When veins start to increase in size over time, the wall of the vein can weaken. As a result, it is possible to rupture a vein with something as simple as a solid bump or knock. Sometimes, depending upon the size of the vein, the rupture can create what appears like a significant amount of blood loss.

What should you do if you experience a ruptured varicose vein?

Firstly, it’s important to note that many people get help with their varicose veins long before they get to the stage where veins are prone to bursting. Others, however, may ignore or leave them in the hope that they won’t cause issues.

If a varicose vein does burst, a vital first step is to try to stem the bleeding by applying pressure at the source. Consider applying pressure with a towel or other clean fabric. At first, there may seem like a great deal of blood, but this should taper off pretty quickly. Applying pressure helps you to stem any blood flow giving you time to seek medical attention.

Aa well as external blood loss, varicose veins can also rupture or burst internally. By this, we mean that the outer skin remains intact. As a result, the vein will bleed directly into the surrounding skin tissue. Although harder to recognize most people will feel a burning sensation coupled with a sudden dizzy feeling. Also, the area around the vein may change color. Again as with external vein loss patients should always seek immediate medical assistance as it can become life-threatening in extreme cases.

Preventing a varicose vein from bursting

Of course, prevention is always better than cure, and ultimately, in this case, getting problematic veins treated is the best way to prevent varicose veins from rupturing. So having them removed by a vein specialist gives you peace-of-mind.

Here at the Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy (MINT), for example, Dr. Akinwande uses some of the latest techniques and technology which don’t require surgery. As a result, patients face a speedier recovery and less invasive treatment. These include techniques such as… 

The benefits to non-surgical treatments like those listed above include:

Remember, you don’t have to suffer from varicose veins, talk to the team at MINT about better vein health. If you would like to know more about how vein treatment can help you. Contact us or book an appointment online at one of our 5 clinics, including the latest addition in Chicago, IL. and let’s discuss your options.

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