PRP Therapy

Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy
Vascular and Endovascular Specialist located in St. Louis, MO; Evergreen Park, IL; Chicago, IL; Swansea, IL.
PRP treatment can help support a wide range of problems, including joint injury and pain. Find out more about how PRP therapy works at MINT.
PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Treatment At MINT
As a form of regenerative medicine, PRP therapy has been around since the 1970s, although it’s only over the last ten years or so that it has become a recognized treatment for healing joint injury and pain. Here at MINT, we’re proud to offer platelet-rich plasma injections (PRP) to patients facing a wide range of debilitating joint and tendon injuries and other conditions such as hair loss.
Want to know more about how we can help you?
So What Is PRP Treatment Exactly?
PRP uses plasma extracted from a patient’s blood to aid or speed up the healing process. While platelets are well known for their clotting abilities, they also contain growth factors that trigger cell reproduction to stimulate new tissue growth in and around the treatment site. To create the platelet-rich plasma, Dr Akinwande takes a small blood sample from the patient and places it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from other individual components. These platelets are then mixed with plasma to make up a super-concentrated substance that is injected back into the patient at the target area.
Doing so enhances the area with specific bio proteins (growth factors), which, in turn, accelerates the injury healing process and eases discomfort.
What conditions can PRP treatment fix?
PRP injections are an effective treatment for many orthopedic and musculoskeletal issues, including chronic tendon injuries such as:
- Tennis Elbow
- Runner’s Knee
- Tendinosis
PRP therapy can also treat other debilitating conditions, including:
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Partial Rotator Cuff Tears
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Back and Neck Pain
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
It is also commonly used in other conditions to stimulate growth in:
- Hair loss
- Soft tissue regeneration/healing in the mouth.
A Word About Regenerative Cellular Therapy?
To complement PRP treatment, Dr Akinwande and the team at MINT also provide regenerative cellular therapy (RCT). Cellular therapy is often used in conjunction with PRP to treat severe or chronic degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis.
Regenerative cellular therapy utilizes bone cells extracted from bone marrow typically located in the patient’s hip. Once injected back into the problem area, along with PRP, the cells will continually self-replicate and, ultimately, heal the problem.
Don’t suffer from chronic or debilitating joint pain. Come and talk to the team at MINT, the leading treatment centre for non-surgical therapy. We have offices in St. Louis, MO and Swansea, IL.
PRP: $500
PRP (package of 3): $1300
Payment Plans are Available.
Call 314-255-2204 or book online to request an appointment.
How We Help
Tendon injuries, such as tendonitis, are painful and can be slow to heal. The longer the problem lasts, the more likely it will rupture. When this happens, patients often need to resort to surgery.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections can quickly accelerate the healing of the damaged tendon by releasing all-important growth factors, thus negating the need for surgical intervention.
How can PRP Treatment Help?
Platelets can help to:
- Accelerate healing and reduce scarring
- Build a scaffold that supports the newly developed tissues
- Reduce inflammation
- Ease long-term pain or discomfort
What Is An Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)?
An Ankle Brachial Index, or ABI is non-invasive test that measures the blood pressure in your ankles and compares it to the blood pressure in your arms. This test is used for diagnosing or detecting poor circulation in the legs or the severity of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) which is indicated by lower blood pressure in the legs versus arms. The test can be done at rest or can provide more telling indications when the heart is stressed through exercise on a treadmill.
Carpal tunnel syndrome typically develops when the median nerve, the main nerve that runs through the wrist, becomes compressed. When left untreated, discomfort can accelerate over time.
Symptoms include numbness, burning or tingling in the thumb or index finger or a shooting pain that radiates up the forearm.
Treatment for CTS using PRP or regenerative cell treatment
At MINT, we use non-surgical therapies like platelet-rich plasma or regenerative cellular therapy (RCT) to stimulate the body’s natural ability to repair itself. As new healthy tissue grows, it quickly restores mobility and alleviates symptoms without the need for prescription medications or surgery.
A rotator cuff is a collective group of tendons and muscles supporting the shoulder joint. It’s designed to keep the ball joint of the upper arm firmly ensconced in the shoulder socket. Often, when a person makes a repetitive overhead motion like a tennis serve, they may experience a rotator cuff tear. A tear can result in long-term degenerative damage to the shoulder and arm. Usually, this results in the following:
- Pain
- Grinding, and/or
- Weakness
Rotator Cuff Treatment
Typically, rotator cuff damage is treated with medication, therapy or steroid injections. For more severe conditions, surgery may be necessary to repair the tear.
PRP for Rotator Cuff Injury
Using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment, the problem area should regenerate new cell growth and, ultimately, repair itself. PRP treatment works alongside the body’s natural healing ability to make good any injured tissue and relieve discomfort. Moreover, recovery time is typically far shorter than other invasive procedures.
You may have plantar fasciitis if you experience intense foot pain when walking but can’t see any outward signs of injury. The problem typically affects people between 40 and 60 and occurs when the ligament connecting the heel bone to the toes becomes weak, irritated or swollen. Sufferers often feel a stabbing heel pain when they first get out of bed or start to walk.
Typically, treatments for plantar fasciitis include physical therapy or prescription pain relievers and wearing specially adapted footwear.
At MINT, we use platelet-rich plasma injections and regenerative cellular therapy to repair the tendon using non-surgical cell techniques. When a high concentration of cells is injected directly into the damaged ligament of the heel, they reform into healthy tissue to fix the damaged tendon. The result is speedy healing and no more discomfort.
Around 8 percent of all adults experience chronic or persistent back and neck pain. In fact, it’s the sixth most costly condition in the USA today. Any back or neck pain can be debilitating and prevents us from living an everyday life. Common causes include:
- Whiplash
- A herniated disc
- Cervical disc degeneration or
- A trapped nerve.
Typical treatments for neck and back pain include,
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- Muscle-relaxers
- Physical therapy
- Cortisone injections
- Translucent Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
- Surgery
PRP injections for back and neck pain
We provide speedy relief at MINT using non-surgical regenerative therapies such as PRP. The advantage of PRP is that it deals directly with the problem rather than masking it. When growth factors taken from blood and bone marrow are injected directly into the problem area, they regenerate the growth of withered tissues, trigger healing, and alleviate pain quickly.
The most significant cause of disability in adults over 50 is arthritis. Osteoarthritis, a common type of arthritis, occurs when daily wear and tear places stress on the joints and breaks down the cartilage. In turn, the lack of protective cartilage causes the bones to rub against each other, causing pain, stiffness and swollen joints.
How we treat arthritis at MINT
While non-surgical treatment typically involves masking discomfort, we use regenerative therapies such as PRP (platelet-rich plasma) to stimulate new bone and cell rejuvenation at the injured site. When injected directly into the area, a combination of platelet-rich plasma and bone marrow cells triggers the healing process, reduces inflammation and activates new healthy cartilage and bone growth.
Want to know more about PRP treatment and how it can help you? Book an Appointment with Dr Akinwande today.
Fibromyalgia is a complex condition because it comprises a collection of symptoms rather than one disease. Typical symptoms are wide-ranging and include:
- Severe or chronic fatigue
- Tender feeling in some regions of the body
- Feelings of anxiety or depression
In addition, fibromyalgia can accompany irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraine headaches and other neurological disorders.
Current treatments for fibromyalgia involve taking regular medications that regulate bodily hormones, massage therapies to relax the body, strengthen muscles and improve circulation, and healthy lifestyle adjustments to keep patients in a better frame of mind.
PRP treatment and fibromyalgia
Because platelets are the body’s natural healers, doctors can use them to reduce swelling or discomfort. The platelets are extracted from the blood and injected directly into the source of discomfort, thus reducing any pain naturally, quickly and safely.
More than 85% of men and 55% of women are likely to experience hair loss during their lifetime. It can result from heredity, hormonal changes or medical conditions such as androgenic alopecia - a common condition that causes hair follicles to shrink.
At MINT, we use platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment to reverse the process caused by androgenic alopecia (baldness). By injecting PRP into targeted areas of the scalp over a series of sessions, it is possible to repair the hair follicle and restore hair growth.
Here’s how the process works:
- Blood is drawn from a vein in the arm.
- It is then placed in a centrifuge
- Any spinning will separate the platelets from the rest of the composition.
- When ready, the platelets are extracted from the sample using a syringe.
- The doctor will inject the platelets into the scalp to aid hair growth.
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