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If you are considering UFE, you may have some questions. In order to assist you in your healthcare needs, our staff has compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions. Our staff is here for you if you have any additional concerns or questions.

Should I Consider Fibroid Treatment?

Symptomatic fibroids are those that cause symptoms, such as: abnormal menstrual bleeding, abdominal distention, pelvic pressure, urinary frequency and incontinence, and various effects on surrounding organs. These symptoms can interfere with your life and result in serious health issues that can negatively affect your life, so you should seek treatment if your fibroid is symptomatic. It is estimated that between 25% and 50% of women will develop fibroids in their childbearing years, so if you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is important to determine if fibroids are the cause.

Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) Safe?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) determines the standards for women’s gynecological care, and promotes UFE as a safe and effective alternative to surgery. UFE has a major complication rate less than a hysterectomy and has been performed on thousands of women with minimal complications, if any.

How Does UFE Work?

Small particles, about the size of a grain of sand, are inserted into the arteries that feed the fibroids, effectively preventing blood from reaching them. When the fibroids are unable to be nourished by blood, they decrease in size and their symptoms are alleviated.

Is it Possible to Treat Large Fibroids?

Almost all fibroids respond well to UFE and if your uterus is 24 weeks or less in gestational size, a positive outcome is expected. However, each case must be evaluated individually despite uterus or fibroid size.

Is Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) Very Effective?

UFE is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as being a highly effective treatment for fibroids and has an overall success rate ranging from 94%-99% with a patient satisfaction rate of 90%.

What are Typical Complications and How Often Do They Occur?

Complications from UFE are extremely rare and only affect less than 4% of individuals. If complications were to occur, they include: bleeding from the puncture site, premature menopause (non-target embolization), and uterine infarction or infection (which is treated with hysterectomy).

Is the Procedure Painful?

During the procedure, you will be given medicine to help you relax and most patients will fall asleep. You will not feel any pain during the procedure, but you may feel some cramping after the procedure. This is easily remedied with IV pain medication during the initial recovery period.

Does the Procedure Require a Hospital Stay?

A hospital stay is not required since this is an outpatient procedure that can safely be performed at our facility. After the procedure, you will be placed in your own private room to recover under the careful monitoring of our expertly trained medical staff.

How Quickly Can I Get Back to Work?

The recovery period for UFE is very brief, especially compared to a hysterectomy. Generally speaking, most women are off their prescription pain medication and back to work within 3-7 days.

Is it Possible to Get Pregnant After UFE?

While the pregnancy and complication rate of UFE patients compared to normal patients did not imply any significant differences, UFE is not recommended for individuals who wish to retain their fertility. Although it is possible to have children after UFE, undergoing the procedure is not recommended for those who wish to have children.

Am I a Candidate for UFE?

To accurately determine whether you are a candidate for UFE, schedule a consultation today at MINT Institute. During your consultation, our expert medical staff will review your symptoms and medical history, and order an MRI to verify the quantity and size of the fibroids to determine if you are an ideal candidate.

Will My Insurance Company Cover the Procedure?

After your consultation, our office will contact your insurance company to determine your level of coverage. However, most insurance plans cover uterine fibroid embolization to some extent, and some companies even cover the entire cost of the procedure.

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