Conquering The Itch – Seven Essential Steps For Managing Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids (piles) is a topic that often remains shrouded in embarrassment and secrecy, even though it affects over 340 million people worldwide. For many people, the discomfort, pain and itching that accompanies the problem is enough to disrupt daily life.
The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Instead, there are practical and effective self-help measures that you can use to conquer these irritating and troublesome symptoms, and that’s what we’re going to talk about here.
In this post we’ll discuss the 7 essential steps for managing hemorrhoids. If you follow these key pointers, you’ll be waving goodbye to your troubles and embracing comfort. So, let’s dive in.
Step #1 – Beef up your fiber intake
One of the fundamentals to controlling hemorrhoids is to maintain a fiber-rich diet. Fiber adds bulk to your stools making them easier to pass without straining. So, look to include plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, as well as foods like lentils and brown rice.
The key however is not to exceed 70 grams of fiber per day. According to nutritionists, this is the magic number because any larger fiber intake is thought to cause bloating, gas and constipation.
In the Unites States, eating too much fiber is far less of an issue than eating too little, as it’s estimated that only 5% of Americans reach their daily fiber intake, meaning 95% miss out.
As a top tip, if you do find upping your fiber intake a struggle, you can always take a daily supplement like psyllium Husk or Metamucil.
Step #2 – Stay lubricated
Mixing a tablespoon of mineral oil with yogurt or applesauce and eating it at breakfast or lunch helps the stool to bypass the hemorrhoid easier. In addition, water also has the same effect. Drinking adequate amounts of water during the day ensures any stool remains easier to pass. Besides, hydration also plays a crucial role in the body’s ability to recover.
So how do you know if you’re drinking enough water?
If you urinate regularly, feel well and are not thirsty very often, these are all good signs that you’re onboarding sufficient liquid.
But how much water does that equate to?
According to the US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, it’s roughly 3.7 liters of fluid a day for men and 2.7 liters for women.
Step#3 – Practice good bathroom habits
When nature calls, it’s crucial to heed the warning promptly. Delaying any bowel movements can lead to harder stools, which, in turn, will serve to aggravate problem hemorrhoids. Also where possible, avoid straining on the toilet. If you do experience problems when attempting to pass a stool, consider using a stool softener or incorporating more fiber into your diet.
Step #4 – Sit in a sitz
Sitz baths are well known for managing hemorrhoids by providing soothing relief. The warm water helps relax the muscles around the anus while stimulating blood flow to the area for faster healing.
As a top tip, if you don’t have a proper sitz bath, you can use a makeshift one, made by fitting a basin underneath the toilet seat and filling it with warm salty water. Try to submerge the inflamed area in the water for 10-15 minutes three times a day to ease any itching and discomfort, Do, however, be aware that sitz baths only work on external hemorrhoids and not on internal types.
Step #5 – Invest in quality OTC remedies
When it comes to managing hemorrhoids, there are a variety of quality over-the-counter remedies available. These range from natural creams and ointments to suppositories, all of which are designed to provide relief from the troublesome symptoms of piles.
Most products are derivatives of key ingredients like Witch Hazel or hydrocortisone which are both well known for their anti-inflammatory and soothing qualities.
As a top tip, if you are unsure about a product, it’s worth having a word with your doctor first before use.
Step #6 – Stay active
While staying active seems to be the go-to answer for many physical and mental problems, it’s certainly true when it comes to managing hemorrhoids. Even gentle exercises like walking, swimming and yoga not only help prevent constipation but also improves blood circulation. Better circulation aids the healing process for hemorrhoids and for this reason, exercise is one of the best ways to contain them.
Step #7 – Don’t be afraid to seek medical advice
If managing hemorrhoids on your own is just not cutting it, it’s essential to seek medical help. The good news is that there are several treatments that practitioners can use ranging from prescription medications to minimally invasive procedures, all of which, can get you out of discomfort fast.
Remember, even though piles are a discomforting reality for many, they don’t have to take control of your life. By following these seven essential steps for managing hemorrhoids, it’s easy to conquer the itch and get over any pain..
If you reside in the Midwest and suffer from hemorrhoids, talk to Dr Akinwande and his team at the Midwest Institute of Non-Surgical Therapy (MINT). Dr. A. is a vascular and endovascular specialist who uses the latest non-invasive techniques like hemorrhoid artery embolization to bring you greater comfort, fast.
Are you ready to say goodbye to your itch and hello to comfort? Schedule an appointment at a MINT clinic near you today.
Photo attribute: image by RawPixel on Freepik
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