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Does Exercise Help An Enlarged Prostate? All You Need To Know

When you’re suffering from the symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH) there’s even more reason to consider your overall health. Being mindful of the foods you eat, taking supplements, and making a few changes to your habits and lifestyle, can all help reduce and manage BPH symptoms. But what about exercise? Does exercise help an enlarged prostate?’

Exercise and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The good news is that getting fit with exercises such as walking and swimming, not only helps reduce the symptoms and severity of BPH but may also lower the risk of developing the condition.

To discover more about the association between exercise and BPH, we’ve answered some of your most common questions, including:

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Q. Is physical activity beneficial for an enlarged prostate?

A. Over recent years, multiple studies have highlighted the favorable influence that exercise can exert on prostate health. In a study involving 582 men, it was revealed that individuals with fewer sedentary behaviors exhibited a notably reduced risk of BPH compared to those with more sedentary habits.

Additionally, a study conducted by the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health demonstrated that men who engaged in 2-3 hours of walking per week experienced a 25% lower risk of developing BPH.

Q. What effect does exercise have on an enlarged prostate?

A. Studies indicate that engaging in exercise offers a natural means to enhance the body's immune responses, leading to a reduction in inflammation, and by doing so, it helps to ease enlarged prostate symptoms. Why is this? In general, the higher the level of inflammation in the body, the more likely it is for inflammation to occur in the prostate. Consequently, learning ways to reduce inflammation is key to managing BPH symptoms.

In addition, regular physical activity helps to maintain a healthy weight, thereby further reducing the body's inflammatory responses. Sustaining a healthy weight is crucial for prostate health as obesity is recognized to elevate the risk of developing BPH.

So now you have the answer to the question: does exercise help an enlarged prostate? let’s talk about the type of exercise you should be doing.

Q. What is the best type of exercise for BPH?

A. Embracing a more active lifestyle doesn't necessarily mean pushing yourself through daily gym sessions or running marathons. It's about finding a fitness regimen that aligns with your age and lifestyle, allowing you to incorporate more movement into your routine.

Here are various exercises beneficial for both you and your prostate health:

Being active in the garden (if you have one) can also contribute to your weekly activity goals. Try raking leaves, mowing the lawn, and addressing those weeds.

More importantly, discover activities that you enjoy. Opt for something you’re passionate about and you’ll find it easier to maintain your commitment.

Q. Do kegel exercises for men with BPH Help?

A. As men grow older, the muscles surrounding the bladder may weaken, potentially contributing to symptoms linked to BPH, such as frequent urination. Kegel exercises can be advantageous in this context, involving the contraction and tightening of specific pelvic muscles, namely the external sphincter muscles.

Men who have undergone prostate surgery may find Kegel exercises particularly beneficial, as these exercises can address potential impacts on bladder control that may arise from the surgical procedure.

Q. How much physical activity do I need?

A. Anything that gets your body moving is classed as physical activity. The recommended guideline suggests engaging in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity along with two days of muscle-strengthening, allowing for flexibility in breaking down these activities into smaller time segments. You can read about this in more detail here.

Exercise with caution

It's crucial to choose activities that are suitable for both you and your prostate. Steer clear of exercises that involve excessive jarring or pounding. Activities like rowing, horseback riding or cycling (without a padded saddle), which require prolonged sitting, can exert pressure on the pelvic area and potentially aggravate an enlarged prostate.

The takeaway

In the long run, adopting a healthy diet and staying physically active can enhance a man's overall well-being, particularly as he ages. An added advantage is that it may also contribute to reducing the risk of BPH or mitigating the severity of its symptoms. It's time to prioritize self-care and improve your fitness.

If your enlarged prostate symptoms are impacting your life, then you might want to consider prostate artery embolization (PAE), a minimally invasive outpatient treatment performed by Board-certified Vascular and Interventional Radiologists. PAE works by blocking the blood supply that is feeding the gland, causing it to shrink, alleviating the symptoms and improving the overall quality of life. To find out more and learn if the treatment is suitable for you, why not schedule a consultation at MINT STL?

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