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Even Men Can Suffer From Varicose Veins

Did you know that men can suffer from varicose veins? Find out more about the symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment.

While it’s true that few men worry about varicose veins when they’re relaxing on the beach, it’s important for them to be aware that varicose veins aren’t just for women.

The number of men with varicose veins is about 25% nationwide and makes up a significant percentage of our patient base here at MINT.

In fact, a study published in 2018 by the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that when varicose veins were present, more serious health problems were detected. The most significant discovery, however, was that the risk of developing DVT or deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot occurring deep in the veins) was 5 times higher in patients with varicose veins than in patients without varicose veins.

What do varicose veins look like?

Varicose veins often appear on the thigh or calf and look like blue or purple blood vessels. Symptoms of their presence include heavy, sore, or aching legs or restless legs that are often accompanied by swollen feet or ankles, particularly if you have been standing or sitting for a long time.

Risk factors for vein disease include:

You can help lower the risk of varicose veins by taking frequent exercise, losing weight, drinking more water, and consuming more fibre and Vitamin C.

Why are varicose veins a problem?

The problem with varicose veins is that they will only get worse if ignored. One complication that can occur is a leg ulcer, where the skin dries out and cracks enabling bacteria to enter causing both infection and numbness. Another that we have already mentioned is a blood clot. Occasionally veins that are close to the skin can burst and bleed.

Wearing compression socks or stockings can also help relieve the symptoms associated with varicose veins but unfortunately, will not stop its progression. Often people experience heaviness and aching in their legs before varicose veins become apparent.

Don’t Ignore Varicose Veins

Because of this, if and when you first notice varicose veins, the best course of action is treatment.

At the Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy, we provide out-patient treatments and can rid you of spider veins and varicose veins using minimally invasive procedures including:

Vein Ablation – this procedure removes unwanted veins utilising laser energy or radiofrequency cutting off the flow of blood to problematic veins and diverting it to neighbouring healthy veins

VenaSeal – This treatment uses a medical ‘superglue’ to permanently close off damaged veins and divert blood via an alternative healthy vein

Sclerotherapy – This procedure involves injecting a special medication into the blood vessels causing them to shrink and become less visible and less painful

Dr Goke Akinwande can determine if you have varicose veins and whether the disease has progressed to a more serious condition. Contact the Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy today and take the first step to relieve your discomfort.  We have 5 clinics for patients to choose from, including the latest addition in Chicago, IL.





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