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Home Remedies For Varicose Veins – Do They Really Work?

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Home Remedies For Varicose Veins – Do They Really Work?

You don’t have to go very far to find a plethora of home remedies for varicose veins. In fact, a quick internet search brings up over 15 pages of results. Treatments typically involve the use of poultices containing all manner of herbs and essential oils. Unfortunately, any evidence is ‘sketchy’ at best and some remedies such as the regular taking of cayenne pepper mixed in with water may even cause internal injuries if ingested in large quantities.

But what about homeopathic remedies?

Natural remedies for spider vein treatment

When it comes to treating spider veins using homeopathic methods there are conflicting views. One remedy that keeps popping up is apple cider vinegar. But just how effective is it?

It’s true that apple cider vinegar contains trace nutrients that can boost the immune system and this certainly ties in with the current health trend of eating or drinking fermented products. However, most sites recommend rubbing it on the affected area as a cure.

Indeed, the act of rubbing or massaging sore areas of the body is likely to alleviate some discomfort and any cool application is likely to bring down any swelling. But as a topical application, there is no proof that applying cider vinegar to spider or varicose veins actually works.  

Other essential oils like sea pine extract, butcher’s broom extract, horse chestnut oil, lemongrass and yarrow are all common recommendations for varicose vein discomfort and it’s true they can ease pain from varicose veins. However, like other forms of pain alleviation, home remedies for varicose veins and spider veins will usually mask any discomfort and not cure it.

What about varicose vein massage?

Along with oils, potions and poultices, massage is gaining in popularity as a remedy for varicose veins. The good news is that massage has been proven to relax the muscles, stimulate blood flow and relieve elements of discomfort and edema making you feel better, however, massage alone won’t eradicate the condition. If you are looking to relieve discomfort in the short term and think that massage may help, then seek out a professional masseuse trained to assist patients with varicose veins.

So how do you improve varicose veins and spider veins at home?

In essence, the only tried and tested home remedies for varicose veins and spider veins are the ones suggested by your doctor. These include losing weight to reduce stress on your cardiovascular system, exercising regularly to increase blood circulation, eating healthy anti-oxidant rich foods and not sitting or standing for long periods.

Sometimes though, even these home remedies might not be enough and this being the case, it might pay to talk to a vein specialist. Here at the Midwest Institute of Non-Surgical Therapy (MINT) Dr Goke Akinwande and his team are highly skilled in treating a range of vein conditions from spider veins and varicose veins through to peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and deep vein and pelvic vein problems. Using a range of comfortable non-surgical method we’re able to provide comfortable treatment resulting in the eradication of vein problems with minimal downtime.

Treatments such as Vein ablation, Venaseal and Sclerotherapy are all proven methods that provide a positive experience while restoring your quality of life. So if you are suffering from unsightly or painful vein problems schedule an appointment with Dr Akinwande and the team today at one of our 5 clinics, including the latest addition in Chicago, IL.    

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