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How to Know When it’s Time to Seek Vein Treatment

Many people with varicose veins find them more of a cosmetic issue than a medical problem. In other words, they don’t pose a medical threat.

However, there are other people whose varicose veins cause significant aching and pain and even embarrassment. For some individuals, varicose veins can lead to other serious medical issues.

Often people with varicose veins will attempt to treat them at home using remedies they’ve found on the internet but invariably these aren’t enough to eradicate the problems caused by varicose veins.

We’ve listed 5 signs below that indicate it’s time to seek professional vein treatment.

1. Heavy or swollen legs

Varicose veins can cause your legs to swell or make them feel tired and heavy. Heaviness in the legs is called venous insufficiency and can often be caused by poor circulation. Other causes of venous insufficiency include varicose veins. These can make your legs feel heavy as well as cause swelling to the ankles and legs. Furthermore, it could mean there is a more serious condition that needs to be treated.

The feeling of heaviness in the legs in conjunction with varicose veins can be a sign of a particular type of vein disorder called venous reflux. This is the medical term for a condition in which the walls of the veins open up and the valves cease to function properly. Often venous reflux is accompanied by itching or burning. An ultrasound is typically used to map the veins and diagnose venous reflux

2. Changes in the skin

Should you notice changes in your skin, then you really do need to seek medical treatment for your varicose veins. Changes that justify vein treatment include skin that is dry, scaly, or thinning, discoloration, and reddening around a varicose vein. If you have any of these symptoms, it could be that the valves in your veins have become weak and your blood may not be traveling through the body as it should be. With vein treatment, it’s possible to ease and even eliminate these symptoms

3. Cramping, pain, burning, or aching in the legs

Symptoms such as these can also be an indication that the time has come for varicose vein treatment. While your symptoms could be the result of a more serious problem, we recommend you get treatment to put an end to the pain that you’re in.

4. Itchiness around a vein

If the area surrounding one of your varicose veins has started to itch then it’s time to get treatment. It could be a complication that’s causing the itching. Failing to seek treatment could result in more serious conditions such as blood clots, bleeding, and ulcers. Getting treatment as soon as you start to experience symptoms can prevent complications from occurring.

5. Family history of blood clots or varicose veins

If other family members suffer from varicose veins or blood clots then it places you at a higher risk of developing varicose veins. When you have a family history of varicose veins not only can your varicose veins get worse at any time, but you can be more at risk of suffering a stroke, blood clot, or a pulmonary embolism. You should talk to your GP about options for treating your existing varicose veins and for preventing them in the future.

As well as treatments for your existing varicose veins, your GP may suggest that you take more exercise and wear compression socks. If you’re at risk of blood clots and varicose veins, then, in addition, try not to stand or sit for long periods – every so often, get up and move around.

Seek Treatment

If you or a loved one have varicose veins or are displaying symptoms that suggest you may need varicose vein treatment, then why not call 314 255 2204 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Akinwande at The Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy (MINT). We have 5 clinics for patients to choose from, including the latest addition in Chicago, IL. We adopt a holistic view of vein treatment and can often achieve a better outcome.

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