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Is Your Job Affecting Your Veins?

Approximately 24% of Americans have varicose veins, and contrary to what you may think, it's not a condition confined to women or the elderly. These twisted, bulging veins affect all ages and any gender and can lead to serious medical issues such as blood clots.

Am I at risk of developing varicose veins?

Many factors can raise your risk of varicose veins occurring, including pregnancy, obesity, being over the age of 50, and even the job you do.

What jobs can affect veins?

In essence, any job that involves standing or sitting for extended periods can affect the body, circulation and veins. If you've been experiencing the symptoms of varicose veins, then your job could be a contributing factor. Jobs that could affect a person's likelihood of developing varicose veins include retail work, teaching, factory work, construction work and any job that involves being on the feet most of the day.

In fact, according to a recent study monitored over 12 years, it was confirmed that prolonged standing or walking in your job constitutes an excess risk of hospital treatment due to varicose veins and accounted for more than one-fifth of all cases at working age.

On the flip side of this, while being on your feet for extended periods can cause issues with the veins in your legs, sitting at a desk for long periods without getting up to move around can also adversely affect vein health.

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

Other than enlarged veins, many people don't notice any symptoms. Others may have symptoms, including:

Less common symptoms include clotting, bleeding from the affected vein and ulcers. Often varicose vein symptoms are worse at the end of the day.

The connection between your job and veins

The blood is directed towards the heart by tiny one-way valves in the veins. Should the valves become weak or damaged, blood cannot flow upwards sufficiently and instead flows backwards (reflux). As a result, the blood pools and pressure on the other valves increases. Long periods of standing or sitting adds to the pull of gravity on the blood and further restricts blood flow.  

Tips for healthier veins when you're doing your job

Don't just leave the healthy habits at work

Adopting a healthier lifestyle away from work can help reduce your risk of developing vein disease. Maintaining a healthy weight is an excellent place to start, and this can be achieved with regular exercise such as walking and gardening. Exercise also helps promote healthy circulation. Lowering your salt intake will reduce high blood pressure, and a healthier body weight will reduce the strain on your veins.

One of the best ways to prevent blood from accumulating in the ankles and calves is to elevate your legs while you're resting. If you have a reclining chair, make use of it, or alternatively, prop your legs up on a couple of cushions when you're sitting on the sofa. These actions ease pressure and aid healthy circulation.

Don't let painful and embarrassing varicose veins get you down. Did you know that varicose veins can be treated without invasive surgery?  

At the Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy, we offer comprehensive outpatient services for diseases of the veins and arteries. Our specialists are passionate about providing the most advanced customized treatment to our patients.

Why not schedule an appointment at one of our 5 clinics, including the latest addition in Chicago, IL, or use our convenient online booking service. Get in touch today. We look forward to meeting you.





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