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Prostate Health – Essential Tips For Men Of All Ages

The prostate gland is not very large, probably about the size of a walnut but its location in the body is guaranteed to cause problems when something is amiss. Positioned just beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum, the prostate gland also encompasses the upper part of the urethra, the duct that transports urine away from the body. This means that problems with prostate health can affect urination and sexual function.

Three main conditions affect the prostate:

This article is going to focus on BPH which is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions in men as they age. It’s reported that as many as 14 million men in the US have BPH symptoms and that 90% of men will have BPH symptoms by the age of 85.

What causes BPH?

Although the precise cause of BPH remains unknown, several risk factors can heighten a man's chances of developing the condition. These include:

While these factors may increase the risk of BPH, it’s important to note that they aren’t necessarily the cause of the condition. You should talk to your doctor about your specific risk factors and ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle to lower the risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Strategies to help lower the risk of  BPH

Since the causes of BPH and other prostate problems remain unclear, it’s best to think in terms of bringing the risk factors down as opposed to preventing problems. Here are some tips that may help.

Watch your weightEvidence has supported a link between obesity and BPH and prostate cancer so men should try to maintain their weight through a combination of eating a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Eat a healthy diet – A diet such as the one enjoyed in the Mediterranean that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains may help reduce the risk of BPH and other prostate problems. Men should also consider lowering their intake of saturated fats, red meat, and sweetened drinks.

Stop smoking – While smoking isn’t directly linked to BPH, the habit can injure the blood vessels to a degree, encouraging the prostate to enlarge, as poor circulation is a contributing factor in BPH. Not only will you notice an improvement in your overall health, but your oral health is likely to improve too.

Attend regular prostate screenings – BPH and prostate cancer share similar symptoms including:

Thus it makes sense to undergo regular prostate screenings to put your mind at ease. Your doctor can tell you when to start prostate screening and how often based on your risk factors.

While these tips may not completely prevent BPH they can help you remain healthier overall and lower the risks of developing prostate problems.

When should BPH be treated?

In cases where your BPH symptoms are mild, there is usually no need to seek treatment and your doctor may recommend watchful waiting. On the opposite end of the scale where a man has suffered kidney damage or cannot urinate at all, immediate intervention will be necessary.

When treatment is required, daily medication may do the job. But if this fails to relieve the BPH symptoms, various surgeries or a minimally invasive procedure, prostate artery embolization (PAE) may be recommended.

The takeaway

It’s crucial for men of all ages to maintain prostate health. Factors like a balanced diet, consistent exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake can help lower the risk of prostate cancer. Regular screenings for early detection can also improve the likelihood of successful treatment. Men should discuss their risk factors and screening options with their healthcare provider to prioritize their prostate health.

Are you suffering from BPH?

Here at The Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy, we provide numerous minimally invasive procedures, including Prostate Artery Embolization, which enable our patients to receive the convenience of quick and comfortable treatments as an outpatient that enable them to get back to normal in double-quick time.

Are your BPH symptoms affecting your quality of life? If so, we can help. Why not call to schedule an appointment or use our online booking system?

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