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Ten Interesting Facts About An Enlarged Prostate That May Surprise You

According to research, 50% of all men over the age of 50 have an enlarged prostate yet, in male circles at least, it’s hardly ever talked about. Moreover, the likelihood of getting it increases with age so by the time a man is 80, he is 90% likely to have the condition.

The prostate is a gland that sits just below the bladder in front of the rectum and its primary task is to produce the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. As such, it’s an integral part of the male reproductive system. While every man’s prostate will grow throughout life, some men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (the medical term for an enlarged prostate) might experience one or more of the following symptoms:

If you can relate to any of the above, then chances are you’ve put these symptoms down to ‘growing old’. The truth is that this isn’t normal, or at least, it doesn’t have to be. And while the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) aren’t likely to disappear on their own, the good news is that many treatments can help. So while an enlarged prostate may be an uncomfortable subject, it becomes easier to talk about once you know more about it.

With this in mind, here are ten interesting facts about an enlarged prostate that may surprise you.

So there you have it, ten interesting facts about enlarged prostates that may surprise you. The key, of course, is to seek assistance early on as soon as you notice any changes in your bathroom habits or any discomfort when you urinate.

At the Midwest Institute of Non-Surgical Therapy (MINT), we have dedicated prostate centers where patients can come and be tested for the condition. But also, we provide minimally invasive, outpatient treatments like prostate artery embolization that reduces the size of a prostate by over 40% within a few months. 

Want to know more? Schedule an appointment at a MINT clinic near you!      

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