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Three Good Reasons to Treat Varicose Veins in the Cooler Months

Successful treatment and management of varicose veins require a good deal of planning. So while here at the Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy (MINT) we are well adept at treating patients with varicose vein problems, we know from experience that the cooler fall and winter months help our patients better manage their conditions and aid recovery. Here are three reasons why.

Reason 1 – Fall and winter typically coincides with insurance cycles

Typically, insurance coverage renews in January. So, if you begin varicose vein treatment in the fall, timing means that if any type of non-surgical or surgical treatment is required, then your insurance would normally renew just in time for further treatment. This is important if like many people, you have a yearly insurance cap on treatment expenditure. 

Reason 2 – Cooler months promote optimal healing

One of the most proven and popular treatments for those with varicose veins involves the wearing of compression stockings. They are designed to fit snugly and help to maintain blood flow. This lessens any pain, discomfort, and swelling associated with varicose vein problems.

Understandably, no one enjoys wearing compression stockings when the weather is warmer but in the fall or winter, patients are more inclined to feel comfortable when wearing them.

In addition, during pre and post-operative periods, it’s important to avoid heat and UV rays as much as possible. Heat dilates the veins causing them to expand further,

During cooler temperatures, however, the sun’s UV rays are often further away or blocked by cloud cover or inclement weather. So you are arguably less at risk.

Reason 3 – Cooler weather treatment better prepares legs for summer fashion

Warmer weather is the ideal time to be out and about in shorts or spending time with friends or family down at the beach. As such, you don’t want to be worrying about how your legs will look. For this reason, undergoing varicose vein treatment during the cooler months will give you the necessary treatment time needed to fully recover without anyone ever knowing

How to Manage varicose vein problems

The best management of varicose vein problems includes taking advantage of windows of opportunity. This includes choosing the best time of year to begin assessment and/or treatment. However successful treatments also call for lifestyle changes in conjunction with the management of your treatment. One such lifestyle change may be to increase exercise.

Simple factors like increasing movement can eradicate any symptoms you may currently have from varicose veins. Regular gentle exercise will increase blood flow to the legs which in turn will help to prevent problems like swollen, itchy, or throbbing legs. Exercise bikes or ellipticals can be used all year round and are perfect for periods of inclement or cold weather – like in the fall or winter.

Let’s talk about your options

Here at the Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy, Dr. Akinwande and his team offer a number of modern and comfortable treatments to help you eradicate varicose veins once and for all – treatments that are comfortable and have relatively short waiting times. These include endo-venous ablation therapy, VenaSeal treatment, sclerotherapy, and phlebectomy.

Contact the team at MINT today at one of our 5 clinics, including the latest addition in Chicago, IL.and let’s talk about your options.

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