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Varicose Vein Problems And The Dangers Of Leaving Them Untreated

Typically, varicose veins are distinguished as unsightly blemishes just beneath the surface of the skin and while not always painful, it’s easy to ignore them hoping they will simply go away. The problem is that when left untreated, they can cause a whole host of varicose vein problems.

It’s true that most cases of varicose veins report symptoms of itching, discomfort in the legs and skin swelling. And while every case is different, we can say with some degree of certainty that in most cases, symptoms won’t go away. In fact, they are far more likely to get progressively worse.

As a result, any person suffering from the condition may want to take the time to learn about the dangers of leaving varicose veins untreated and the varicose vein problems they can cause. With this in mind, let’s take a closer look…


When varicose veins are left untreated, excess blood can leak into the skin tissue. This brings about painful swelling and discolouration of the skin


When leg tissues are left inflamed they can stiffen and harden making the legs feel increasingly tender. This, in turn, makes it more difficult to relax or move around.

Venous leg ulcer

When it comes to varicose vein problems, one common condition that is closely linked is chronic venous insufficiency known as CVI. This is a condition where the valves in the leg veins aren’t working properly causing blood to pool in the veins. When this happens, sometimes it can cause the area underneath the skin to break down causing painful leg ulcers.

Leg bleeding

Another problem that varicose veins cause is spontaneous bleeding. Because problematic veins tend to break down the walls of the skin, even the slightest scratch or knock can cause excessive blood loss. While this is normally painless, any significant blood loss should be a concern.

Superficial thrombophlebitis

Varicose vein problems such as this are caused when the veins become bulged or twisted – as they often do when a person suffers from varicose veins. Any sufferers will know that blood flow through the veins becomes sluggish. This, in turn, can cause superficial blood clots technically known as superficial thrombophlebitis. When this happens, the veins become inflamed and the patient usually experiences a reddening of the skin and increasing tenderness. It can also cause the limb to swell.

Deep vein thrombosis

Perhaps the most severe problem related to varicose vein problems is deep vein thrombosis. More commonly known as DVT it occurs when blood clots are formed. While superficial clots like those listed above don’t usually travel to the lungs or cause a pulmonary embolism, for patients with severe varicose veins there is a risk that DVT might occur.

While varicose vein problems can range from mild to severe, those who suffer from the condition should contact a doctor for medical assistance. Here at the Midwest Institute for Non-Surgical Therapy (MINT), Dr Akinwande is a well-published and highly skilled physician. Using the latest image-guided endovascular procedures Dr A provides cutting-edge minimally invasive non-surgical treatments in the St Louis metro area. To book a consultation at one of our 5 clinics, including the latest addition in Chicago, IL, contact us on 314 255 2204 today. Don’t let your varicose vein problems become a step too far!

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