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What Happens to Varicose Veins After Treatment?

Varicose veins can seem to appear out of nowhere bringing problematic symptoms like itching, aching, burning and swelling. It’s only natural therefore that having them treated can seem like a huge relief. But have you ever wondered what happens to varicose veins after treatment?

Firstly, your treatment options

The first course of action will be to speak with your vein treatment specialist. Here at the Midwest Institute for Non- Surgical Therapy – MINT, for example, we use the latest non-surgical techniques to eradicate varicose vein problems including vein ablations, vein sealing and sclerotherapy. All treatments are non-invasive and comfortable and allow you to move on with your life quickly. After talking with Dr. Akinwande, he will devise a treatment plan based on your needs and requirements.

In many cases, this will involve a technique known as endovenous laser ablation. This is where the vein is sealed off using an ultra-fine laser.. Or Sclerotherapy, where a harmless solution is injected directly into the vein to seal the vein opening up. Once your procedure has been carried out Dr. Akinwande will give you detailed aftercare instructions to ensure any results are long-lasting.

So, what happens to veins after treatment?

Whichever process you decide to go with, it will result in the vein being sealed off from the rest of the circulatory system. But what happens to it after that?

Once the vein is closed the body begins the reabsorption process.

Treatment outcomes will differ for each patient and this is dependent on several factors including.

This means that for some people it can take a matter of weeks while for others it can take 6 months or more for the vein to fully absorb.

But how does the body absorb the vein?

The body achieves this by gradually breaking down the proteins and connective tissue that hold the blood vessel together while the remaining tissue will get recycled back into the body. This is completely normal and won’t cause any harm or discomfort whatsoever.

However, and this is something you do need to be aware of…

Any prolonged standing, strenuous exercise or heavy lifting carried out up to 2 weeks after vein therapy can cause the vein to reopen before the body has had proper chance to take care of it. So it’s important to rest up even if you feel okay.

So are you cured after vein absorption?

While the problematic vein may have been removed, the condition hasn’t. Unfortunately, varicose veins don’t have any known cure so daily or ongoing management of this condition is crucial. Once you have recovered from the vein removal process there are simple things that you can do every day to ensure better vein health. These include:

It’s important to remember that even though the varicose vein has gone, further problems can occur in other parts of your legs. So while varicose vein treatment can help to eradicate the symptoms of varicose veins, leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a sensible weight is always going to be the best way to take care of your veins and inevitably your overall health.

If you do experience vein problems or you are worried about the appearance of a varicose vein, then we invite you to talk to Dr. Akinwande at the Midwest Institute of Non-surgical Therapy (MINT). Book a consultation by calling a clinic of your choice or schedule a consultation online today at one of our 5 clinics, including the latest addition in Chicago, IL.

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